Nagaoka's sushi restaurant Kurobee no Nakatoro Maki is the best! !!


The fun when I go home is to go to the sushi restaurant Kurobee.

I went there this time as well.

It was the middle day of Golden Week, so I'm glad I made a reservation. When I arrived, it was full.

First of all, salad!

Kurobee Salad




The wasabi stalk in the foreground makes the sashimi better.


And hand-wound! Negitoro is the biggest hit this time.

Kurobee hand-wound


The main grip.

Kurobee grip

I forgot to take a picture, but I had grilled fish at the end.

I was very satisfied with 5 adults. After all it is good!


Let's take another opportunity!

ジャングル黒べえ (藤子・F・不二雄大全集)

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